2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 8: Miami-Ohio A vs. Michigan B

Michigan B


Leo Tao3030
Cole Polley5050
Mark Lee2020
Stephen Barstys3030
13 bonuses for 270 points (20.77 PPB)

Miami-Ohio A


Evan Davies3030
Jacob Moeller3220
Connor McClelland000
Lucas Gagen115
7 bonuses for 150 points (21.43 PPB)

Leo TaoCole PolleyMark LeeStephen BarstysBonusesTotalTUEvan DaviesJacob MoellerConnor McClellandLucas GagenBonusesTotal
10 711010104010
40210 691010030
10 94101010803-5 8025
80410 8810101065
80510 151010095
80610 5110100125
10 6001001007125
10 911010101408125
10 5101001609125
1601010 751000145
10 420101019011145
1901210 84101010185
10 9710101023013-5 55180
10 77001025014180
10 301010028015180
10 330101031016180
10 441001034017180
10 780101037018180
10 1141010040019-5 97175
4002010 5210100205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text