2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 8: Case Western B vs. West Virginia B

West Virginia B


Ryan DiBacco115
Connor Channels3220
Brooke Weiss000
Michaela Ford000
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Case Western B


Arjun Saulnier2020
Matthew Stall3030
Meredith Wiper6060
Anthony Yin2210
13 bonuses for 210 points (16.15 PPB)

Ryan DiBaccoConnor ChannelsBrooke WeissMichaela FordBonusesTotalTUArjun SaulnierMatthew StallMeredith WiperAnthony YinBonusesTotal
10 4701002010
20210 72010020
20310 1211001050
10 891001050450
50510 80001070
10 9300060670
60710 3501010100
60810 9410010130
60910 7010100160
601010 10410100190
601110 5501010220
6012-5 91215
-5 37551310 970010235
5514-5 105230
551510 700100250
-5 815016250
10 4800107017250
-5 73651810 1041000270
651910 5401010300
652010 7610010330
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text