2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 8: Michigan A vs. Ohio State A

Ohio State A


Joshua Garner115
Matthew Lam3030
Jacob Goodson3125
Kenny Shaffer000
7 bonuses for 150 points (21.43 PPB)

Michigan A


Rachel Fanous4040
Kevin Zheng2020
Dennis Yang3220
Adam Monusko3030
12 bonuses for 230 points (19.17 PPB)

Joshua GarnerMatthew LamJacob GoodsonKenny ShafferBonusesTotalTURachel FanousKevin ZhengDennis YangAdam MonuskoBonusesTotal
0110 80010020
10 691010030220
30310 4710101060
10 9110101070460
70510 7500070
-5 2165610 112010090
65710 6101010120
10 6910100958120
95910 2010100150
-5 979010150
901110 2610010180
901210 56101010220
10 1031001012013-5 16215
1201410 54101010255
1201510 43101010295
1201610 6510100325
1201710 210100345
10 9610101016018-5 39340
10 96001018019340
10 581010021020340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text