2024 Chicago Open

Round 14: Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team vs. NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)

Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team


Arya Karthik05335
Sinecio Morales0115
Omkar Marathe01010
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)


Hazel Depreist-Sullivan02020
Robert Wang03125
Sky Hong02020
Emma Victoria Byron02020
9 bonuses for 80 points (8.89 PPB)

Arya KarthikSinecio MoralesOmkar MaratheBonusesTotalTUHazel Depreist-SullivanRobert WangSky HongEmma Victoria ByronBonusesTotal
-5 131-510 1560
10 11600101520
10 12500103530
0 14735410 14700010
-5 13930510 1601010040
0 1423060 14240
0 13830710 138100060
-5 1192580 14360
10 1361010055960
10 1470100751060
751110 120010080
751210 8600090
-5 143701310 1491000110
701410 1240010130
10 1560101010015130
1001610 1201000150
1001710 1110100170
0 13610018-5 120165
10 13900011019165
10 111010013020165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text