2024 Chicago Open

Round 13: NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess) vs. The Oldest Men in the World

NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)


Emma Victoria Byron0000
Sky Hong02115
Robert Wang13045
Hazel Depreist-Sullivan03030
9 bonuses for 60 points (6.67 PPB)

The Oldest Men in the World


Mike Cheyne12035
Sam Bailey02020
Halle Friedman11120
Jerry Vinokurov12035
10 bonuses for 120 points (12 PPB)

Emma Victoria ByronSky HongRobert WangHazel Depreist-SullivanBonusesTotalTUMike CheyneSam BaileyHalle FriedmanJerry VinokurovBonusesTotal
0110 145001020
0210 132010040
0310 136100060
0410 77100080
10 14100010580
10 132100030680
10 149100050780
10 1620101080880
80915 7510010115
10 129100010010115
10 13000011011115
0 146110120 146115
1101310 13410100145
10 15700012014-5 108140
1201515 310010165
1201610 1231000185
10 117100014017185
1401815 660100210
15 4900015519210
-5 861502010 1510100230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text