2024 Chicago Open

Round 12: Lying on a Mattress at Lou’s Apartment in Pilsen, Chicago vs. Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team

Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team


Arya Karthik04230
Sinecio Morales03030
Omkar Marathe0000
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Lying on a Mattress at Lou’s Apartment in Pilsen, Chicago


Victor Pavao02020
Doug Simons04135
Rahul Keyal02210
Alston Boyd12130
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Arya KarthikSinecio MoralesOmkar MaratheBonusesTotalTUVictor PavaoDoug SimonsRahul KeyalAlston BoydBonusesTotal
0110 1291001030
10 1481010030230
30310 129100050
30410 120010070
10 14710010605-5 6665
10 79100080665
80710 10600075
10 16001001008-5 15170
10090 14070
1001110 107001090
-5 139951290
951310 12710010120
951410 12101010150
951510 1541000170
10 137010011516170
10 1471010014517170
10 163001016518-5 121165
-5 11316019165
0 158160200 158165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text