2024 Chicago Open

Round 10: it's the great pumpkinification objection, charlie brown vs. sticking out your guyot for the ridge push; you're so seafloor spread, you're so fracture zone

it's the great pumpkinification objection, charlie brown


Swapnil Garg11120
Eve Fleisig04040
Nathaniel Hull0000
Anuttam Ramji001-5
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

sticking out your guyot for the ridge push; you're so seafloor spread, you're so fracture zone


Taylor Harvey11025
Tracy Mirkin04230
Aseem Keyal05050
Adam Fine02020
13 bonuses for 210 points (16.15 PPB)

Swapnil GargEve FleisigNathaniel HullAnuttam RamjiBonusesTotalTUTaylor HarveyTracy MirkinAseem KeyalAdam FineBonusesTotal
0110 7200010
0 15202-5 1305
0310 92100025
-5 124-5410 1481001055
-5510 1060101085
-5610 11010010115
10 1311000157-5 101110
-5 10210810 15710010140
10 1310100309140
301010 910100160
10 111010106011160
10 11700108012160
801310 10710010190
801410 1580010210
801510 13310100240
801610 1120100260
801715 6710010295
10 138010010018295
1001910 106101010335
15 85010012520335
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text