2024 Chicago Open

Round 8: Lisan al-Quib vs. NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)

NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)


Hazel Depreist-Sullivan04040
Robert Wang04135
Sky Hong0000
Emma Victoria Byron0000
8 bonuses for 70 points (8.75 PPB)

Lisan al-Quib


Connor Mayers10015
Naveed Chowdhury10110
Natan Holtzman03410
Stephen Liu03220
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Hazel Depreist-SullivanRobert WangSky HongEmma Victoria ByronBonusesTotalTUConnor MayersNaveed ChowdhuryNatan HoltzmanStephen LiuBonusesTotal
0115 360101035
10 136100020335
10 1110010404-5 7830
40510 119001050
10 159000506-5 9645
0 131507-5 5840
0 141508-5 7135
10 1201000709-5 11230
-5 109651010 1421001060
651110 94010080
651215 8501010115
10 13800108513-5 98110
851410 15801010140
851510 1210100160
85160 136160
851710 790010180
10 106100010518-5 80175
10 16000011519175
10 971010014520175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text