Description acceptable. This process was modeled by Gray and Hancock’s resistive force theory, which requires an anisotropic drag coefficient. A 1951 theory of this process by G. I. Taylor showed that a traveling waveform is optimal and argued that agents could hydrodynamically synchronize during this process. A parameter beta expresses the ratio of dipole and quadrupole contributions to the “force-free” type of this process in an earlier theory of Lighthill, whose (*) “squirmers” may be characterized as pushers or pullers. The time reversibility of the Stokes equations were used by Purcell in the paper “Life at Low Reynolds Number” to show that this process requires non-reciprocal motion, per the scallop theorem. The optimal shape for one appendage used in this process is a corkscrewing rigid helix. For 10 points, E. coli have a “run-and-tumble” strategy in what process achieved using flagella? ■END■
ANSWER: swimming [accept cell motility; accept cell locomotion; accept descriptions of specific living entities such as cells or bacteria or sperm moving; accept descriptions of self-propulsion; accept descriptions of moving in fluids; accept taxis; accept kinesis; accept descriptions of flagella or cilia beating or moving until read; prompt on motion by asking “what is undergoing motion”]
<DC, Physics>
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