2024 Chicago Open

Round 7: Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team vs. The Oldest Men in the World

The Oldest Men in the World


Mike Cheyne03030
Sam Bailey20030
Halle Friedman01010
Jerry Vinokurov0120
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team


Arya Karthik371110
Omkar Marathe001-5
Sinecio Morales01010
11 bonuses for 100 points (9.09 PPB)

Mike CheyneSam BaileyHalle FriedmanJerry VinokurovBonusesTotalTUArya KarthikOmkar MaratheSinecio MoralesBonusesTotal
0110 921001030
0215 23100055
10 1130101030355
30415 55010080
30510 1440100100
-5 10925610 1631000120
-5 1522070 157120
20815 49000135
10 1390010409135
401010 144000145
10 147100107011-5 99140
0 14470120 144140
701310 11801010170
10 15301009014-5 85165
15 66010011515165
1151610 1351000185
10 1050101014517185
15 8400016018185
1601910 119000195
1602010 1420100215
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text