2024 Chicago Open

Round 7: The Empire Bikes Back vs. sticking out your guyot for the ridge push; you're so seafloor spread, you're so fracture zone

The Empire Bikes Back


Kais Jessa01010
Milan Fernandez20030
Henry Atkins14055
Gareth Thorlakson10015
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

sticking out your guyot for the ridge push; you're so seafloor spread, you're so fracture zone


Adam Fine12035
Aseem Keyal0115
Taylor Harvey10015
Tracy Mirkin05145
10 bonuses for 180 points (18 PPB)

Kais JessaMilan FernandezHenry AtkinsGareth ThorlaksonBonusesTotalTUAdam FineAseem KeyalTaylor HarveyTracy MirkinBonusesTotal
0115 681001035
15 4900015235
10 1280101045335
45410 1211010065
45510 1271010095
45610 11810010125
45710 10510100155
45810 8801010185
45915 521000210
10 146100107510-5 114205
10 8800109511205
10 138010011513-5 135200
1151410 990100220
1151510 8510010250
1151610 13101010280
15 79010014017280
15 2900015518280
15 750101019019280
10 1421001022020280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text