2024 Chicago Open

Round 7: Lying on a Mattress at Lou’s Apartment in Pilsen, Chicago vs. NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)

NJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)


Emma Victoria Byron0000
Robert Wang05050
Sky Hong01010
Hazel Depreist-Sullivan01010
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Lying on a Mattress at Lou’s Apartment in Pilsen, Chicago


Victor Pavao03125
Doug Simons02115
Rahul Keyal14055
Alston Boyd01010
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Emma Victoria ByronRobert WangSky HongHazel Depreist-SullivanBonusesTotalTUVictor PavaoDoug SimonsRahul KeyalAlston BoydBonusesTotal
10 11410002010
20215 541001035
10 1290101050335
10 1440100705-5 8930
70610 1211010060
70710 114100080
70810 13510100110
70910 14101010140
10 1461010010010-5 115135
1001110 11710010165
0 144100120 144165
1001310 13810010195
10 99010012014195
10 117010014015195
1401610 135000205
10 13800015017205
1501810 1250100225
1501910 106000235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text