2024 ACF Nationals

Round 17: Johns Hopkins A vs. Maryland A

Maryland A


Connor Mayers2020
Andy Yu000
Isaac Mammel1010
Caleb Kendrick5145
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Johns Hopkins A


Seth Ebner000
Jonathan Lau2020
David Bass2020
Sinecio Morales7165
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Connor MayersAndy YuIsaac MammelCaleb KendrickBonusesTotalTUSeth EbnerJonathan LauDavid BassSinecio MoralesBonusesTotal
0110 1170101030
0210 1131010060
10 1380101030360
30410 1081001090
30510 950100110
10 10010100606110
0 138607-5 128105
60810 1191000125
60910 1230100145
10 120101009010145
-5 90851110 14510010175
10 1460009512175
10 1321010012513175
1251410 1230100195
1251510 8601010225
10 8200013516225
1351710 13710010255
10 130010015518255
1551910 601000275
10 134001017520275
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text