2024 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Toronto B vs. Waterloo A

Toronto B


Jason Zhang115
Ben Wismath3030
Marcus Forbes-Green1010
Joey Sun1010
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Waterloo A


Mattias Ehatamm5050
Jared He2115
Michael Du01-5
Liam Kusalik4040
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Jason ZhangBen WismathMarcus Forbes-GreenJoey SunBonusesTotalTUMattias EhatammJared HeMichael DuLiam KusalikBonusesTotal
0110 98010020
0210 1201001050
0 14503-5 14345
0410 116001065
10 801010030565
10 1401001060665
60710 130010085
10 1080101090885
-5 11885910 13510010115
10 1440009510115
10 103100011511115
1151210 9410100145
115130 123145
1151410 1371000165
1151510 11301010195
10 80001013516195
1351710 9810100225
1351810 13510100255
13519-5 39250
1352010 1050100270
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text