2024 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Chicago A vs. Texas A

Texas A


Jisoo Yoo000
Ryan Humphrey2020
Athena Shadden1010
Chinmay Murthy3125
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Chicago A


Matt Jackson100100
Adam Fine2020
Claire Jones1010
Ned Tagtmeier1010
14 bonuses for 250 points (17.86 PPB)

Jisoo YooRyan HumphreyAthena ShaddenChinmay MurthyBonusesTotalTUMatt JacksonAdam FineClaire JonesNed TagtmeierBonusesTotal
10 850001010
10 1071010105020
50310 1090101030
50410 103100050
10 96100070550
70610 139010070
70710 125101010110
70810 71101010150
10 1320100909150
901010 601000170
10 83100011011170
1101210 861000190
-5 791051310 12301010220
1051410 13501010250
1051510 7901010280
1051610 12710100310
1051710 7510100340
1051810 9410010370
10 561001013519370
1352010 1151000390
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text