2024 ACF Nationals

Round 2: Chicago C vs. Columbia A

Chicago C


Max Hodes1010
Dennis Reppen000
Liam Starnes1010
Nermeen Rahman4040
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Columbia A


Geoffrey Wu3125
Forrest Weintraub5050
Moses Kitakule02-10
Cooper Roh2115
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Max HodesDennis ReppenLiam StarnesNermeen RahmanBonusesTotalTUGeoffrey WuForrest WeintraubMoses KitakuleCooper RohBonusesTotal
0110 761010030
10 1501000202-5 5225
20310 145001045
20410 1441010075
0 124205-5 8670
10 14110004060 14170
10 14400050770
50810 132010090
50910 118000100
10 14401007010100
10 13610009011-5 8795
901210 9010100125
0 12390130 123125
10 1381010012014125
1201510 11201010155
1201610 11201010185
1201710 11801010215
1201810 1020100235
0 13612019-5 111230
0 137120200 137230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text