2024 ARCADIA Second Open Online Mirror

Round 1: Boston College A vs. Farrellmagnetism

Boston College A


James Mangraviti02115
Theodore Benzmiller001-5
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)



Sean Farrell17275
Leo Law03030
Michael Wu0000
Daniel Ma06155
17 bonuses for 370 points (21.76 PPB)

James MangravitiTheodore BenzmillerBonusesTotalTUSean FarrellLeo LawMichael WuDaniel MaBonusesTotal
-5 113-5110 129010020
-5210 8610101060
-5310 82001080
-5410 105101010120
-5510 92101010160
10 1301000156-5 91155
15710 104101010195
15810 9401010225
159-5 28220
151010 81101010260
10 13810003511-5 66255
351210 92101010295
351310 7001010325
351410 12810010355
351510 10210010385
351610 5801010415
-5 88301710 13801010445
301810 6910100475
301915 201000500
302010 7710010530
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text