2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 5: Johns Hopkins A vs. Maryland B

Johns Hopkins A


Sinecio Morales282100
Max Niebur03125
Elizabeth Jewlal02020
15 bonuses for 220 points (14.67 PPB)

Maryland B


Emily Bussa0115
Kevin Liu01010
Daniel Kim001-5
Bansi Gogineni0000
2 bonuses for 30 points (15 PPB)

Sinecio MoralesMax NieburElizabeth JewlalBonusesTotalTUEmily BussaKevin LiuDaniel KimBansi GogineniBonusesTotal
-5 106-510
-5210 119100020
10 1411001025320
10 1070101055420
-5 865050 12720
10 119101010906-5 9315
-5 938570 12515
10 890100105815
10 890100125915
10 145101001551015
1551110 1140101045
15 8600101801245
10 129101002101345
15 9700102351445
10 12200102551545
10 11801002751645
10 125010103051745
10 1270003151845
10 151001033519-5 13740
10 108101003652040
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text