2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 4: George Washington A vs. Johns Hopkins A

Johns Hopkins A


Sinecio Morales09375
Max Niebur11025
Elizabeth Jewlal01010
12 bonuses for 210 points (17.5 PPB)

George Washington A


Andrew Amygdalos15160
Nick Lane02020
Ethan Cohen0000
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Sinecio MoralesMax NieburElizabeth JewlalBonusesTotalTUAndrew AmygdalosNick LaneEthan CohenBonusesTotal
10 78010103010
10 1301010107020
70315 6100015
70410 720101045
10 9210010100545
15 600100125645
-5 98120710 116001065
10 143010101508-5 13760
150910 108100080
10 80010101801080
-5 871751110 1330100100
10 751010020512100
2051310 1230100120
2051410 800010140
10 1180101023515140
10 1081001026516140
-5 1152601710 1401000160
10 69001028018160
10 89001030019160
10 92001032020160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text