
To synthesize this compound renewably, the Macfarlane group demonstrated almost 100 percent faradaic efficiency using a phosphonium proton shuttle in two high-impact papers. Lithium catalysts and electrolyzed water can be used in the N·R·R reaction to produce this compound. This molecule is commonly used to extract free base formulations of drugs such as nicotine in cigarettes or cocaine. N-alkyl salts derived from this (*) neutral molecule are frequently used in disinfectants. Catalyst beds of iron are used in industrial production of this molecule, which is made from a three-to-one ratio of gasses. This molecule (10[1])can be converted to nitrate for use in fertilizer and is globally produced through the Haber-Bosch (10[1])process. For 10 points, name this molecule that contains three nitrogen-hydrogen bonds. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: ammonia [reject “ammonium”]
<JZ, Chemistry&gt;>
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Max NieburJohns HopkinsGeorge Washington A9210
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