2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 4: George Washington B vs. Georgetown A

Georgetown A


Matt Shinnick12130
Meggy Mani01010
Sinan Yucel02115
Wyatt Roder13045
Shreya Iyer0000
10 bonuses for 70 points (7 PPB)

George Washington B


Eva Lettiere02115
Ally Wyers01010
Angier Lei03030
6 bonuses for 50 points (8.33 PPB)

Matt ShinnickMeggy ManiSinan YucelWyatt RoderShreya IyerBonusesTotalTUEva LettiereAlly WyersAngier LeiBonusesTotal
0 141010 1410
10 13000102020
10 1240003030
15 550004540
45510 1100101030
-5 1204060 13430
10 116001060730
10 1231010090930
10 137001011010-5 13525
1101110 119010045
10 12610001301245
-5 1271251310 13900055
1251410 130010075
0 1511251575
10 8501001451675
1451710 126010095
15 380001601895
10 1220001701995
1702010 121000105
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text