2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 5: Emory A vs. Tennessee A

Tennessee A


Alexander Wyrick02020
William Barnes06060
Danny Tran0115
Lucas Bollinger0000
9 bonuses for 60 points (6.67 PPB)

Emory A


Tarun Koti02020
Luke Zhang15160
Cohen Wiegers0115
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

Alexander WyrickWilliam BarnesDanny TranLucas BollingerBonusesTotalTUTarun KotiLuke ZhangCohen WiegersBonusesTotal
10 13410002010
10 1400003020
30310 1491001030
30410 1140101060
10 1220100505-5 5655
50610 120001075
0 1255070 12575
10 116001070875
10 83010090975
901010 10401010105
901115 3510100140
10 97001011012140
1101310 98000150
10 13000012014150
10 12200013015150
0 11813016-5 98145
1301710 1080010165
10 134100015018165
-5 1331451910 1510010185
1452010 1310100205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text