2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 5: Georgia A vs. Georgia Tech D

Georgia A


Alex King02020
Aidan Leahy0120
Bob Freedman10015
Jon Golan01010
5 bonuses for 80 points (16 PPB)

Georgia Tech D


Arya Karthik2132150
15 bonuses for 240 points (16 PPB)

Alex KingAidan LeahyBob FreedmanJon GolanBonusesTotalTUArya KarthikBonusesTotal
0110 7810101040
0210 1061001070
-5 67-5310 149001090
10 109010015490
15510 970100110
10 7601010456110
45710 81101010150
45810 10401010180
45910 720100200
451010 911000220
451115 6401010255
451210 8910010285
10 13701006513-5 97280
15 890101010014280
1001510 990010300
-5 65951610 1181000320
951710 10101010350
951815 830010375
10 1511001012519-5 66370
1252010 821000390
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text