2024 ACF Regionals at UC Berkeley

Round 11: Stanford A vs. Stanford B

Stanford B


Andrew Zeng05240
Natan Holtzman03125
Joon Lee01010
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Stanford A


Tim Morrison03030
Michal Gerasimiuk03125
Ethan Strombeck05050
11 bonuses for 210 points (19.09 PPB)

Andrew ZengNatan HoltzmanJoon LeeBonusesTotalTUTim MorrisonMichal GerasimiukEthan StrombeckBonusesTotal
10 11901010301-5 49-5
10 4601010602-5
10 7510100903-5
10 6801001104-5
110510 8110101035
-5 13105610 116100055
105710 711010085
10 7901010135885
135910 610010105
10 610101016510105
1651110 117101010145
10 43001018512145
-5 371801310 10410100175
1801410 12410100205
1801510 5310100235
10 521001021016235
-5 1022051710 1300100255
2051810 71101010295
10 340101023519295
2352010 1060010315
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text