
During the premiere of a now-lost play by Richard Edwardes based on this story, three people died when a flight of stairs collapsed. In one dramatic adaptation of this story, the mad daughter of a jailer joins a group of Morris dancers. In this story, a man notes how the elements were bound by the “fair chain of love” during a speech on the “First Mover.” In this story, which was based on the epic poem Teseida (“tay-ZAY-da”), three characters separately pray at temples to Venus, Diana, and Mars. In this story, the basis of the play The Two Noble Kinsmen, two characters fall in love with Emilia after being imprisoned by Theseus. This story is followed by one told by the drunken Miller. For 10 (10[1])points, the friends Palamon and Arcite duel in what opening Canterbury Tale which is told by a chivalrous warrior? ■END■

ANSWER: “The Knight’s Tale” [accept Teseida until read, but reject after] (The Edwardes play is Palamon and Arcite.)
<British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ethan StrombeckStanford AStanford B12410


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