2024 ACF Regionals at Ohio State

Round 10: Michigan B vs. Michigan C

Michigan B


Navtej Singh1010
Dennis Yang3125
Biyang Zhang5050
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Michigan C


Mitchell Indek4040
Leo Tao2115
Kevin Zheng2020
8 bonuses for 70 points (8.75 PPB)

Navtej SinghDennis YangBiyang ZhangBonusesTotalTUMitchell IndekLeo TaoKevin ZhengBonusesTotal
0 121010 1210
10 7601002020
20310 67100020
10 1130101050420
50510 1170101050
50610 10900060
10 81010070760
10 13201010100860
10 136000110960
1101010 62001080
0 1241101110 12400090
10 12210001301290
0 1321301390
1301410 710100110
1301510 1620100130
10 133010015016-5 86125
10 35010017017125
10 11800018018125
1801910 910100145
-5 65175200 125145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text