
The title story of a collection by this author follows the headmaster Timothy Gray, who is doomed to drown near Crete. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this author of the collection Not After Midnight, which also contains a story in which the paranoid John is murdered in Venice by a knife-throwing dwarf who wears a pixie-hood.
ANSWER: Daphne du Maurier [or Dame Daphne du Maurier, Lady Browning; prompt on Lady Browning]
[10e] Another collection by du Maurier is titled for these animals who attack a Cornish town in a story that was adapted into a horror film by Alfred Hitchcock.
ANSWER: birds [prompt on specific birds like seagulls by asking “can you be less specific?”]
[10m] Du Maurier’s story “The Breakthrough” was written at this author’s request for a sci-fi anthology that never got published. The protagonist of a novel by this author is fired after giving a drunken speech on “Merrie England.”
ANSWER: Kingsley Amis [or Sir Kingsley William Amis; prompt on Amis] (The novel is Lucky Jim.)
<British Literature>

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