2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 12: George Washington B vs. North Carolina D

George Washington B


Andrew Storm0000
Annie Goodman0000
Sam Kassover0000
Michael Brown0000
0 bonuses for 0 points (NaN PPB)

North Carolina D


Jeffery Austin06060
Alice Zhong03030
Vedang Singhal04135
13 bonuses for 190 points (14.62 PPB)

Andrew StormAnnie GoodmanSam KassoverMichael BrownBonusesTotalTUJeffery AustinAlice ZhongVedang SinghalBonusesTotal
0210 130010020
0310 1090101050
0410 1261010080
0510 8600090
0610 115101010130
0710 1400010150
080 134150
09-5 84145
0100 138145
0110 143145
01210 64000155
01310 116101010195
01410 1430010215
01510 1480100235
01610 101101010275
0170 131275
01810 125000285
01910 12401010315
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text