2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 9: Liberty B vs. North Carolina C

North Carolina C


Diego Almaraz02115
Crow He02115
Michael Eng05145
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

Liberty B


Derek Works0000
Caleb Hines04040
Emma Zajonc0000
Joshua Schmidt03030
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Diego AlmarazCrow HeMichael EngBonusesTotalTUDerek WorksCaleb HinesEmma ZajoncJoshua SchmidtBonusesTotal
10 54010103010
30210 10200010
10 1050101060310
10 113001080410
80510 1371001040
10 10210100110640
110710 119010060
110810 137001080
-5 98105910 13610100110
10 126001012510110
0 12412511110
-5 89120120 129110
-5 1261151410 132000120
10 16200012515120
10 1330101015516120
10 12300016517120
10 121010018518120
1851910 1030100140
0 12518520140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text