2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 8: George Washington B vs. Maryland B

George Washington B


Aiden Wegener02020
Andrew Storm0000
Annie Goodman01010
Sam Kassover0000
Michael Brown02020
5 bonuses for 20 points (4 PPB)

Maryland B


Munir Siddiqui06060
Jacob Martin05240
Emily Bussa01010
Alex Emmert01010
13 bonuses for 190 points (14.62 PPB)

Aiden WegenerAndrew StormAnnie GoodmanSam KassoverMichael BrownBonusesTotalTUMunir SiddiquiJacob MartinEmily BussaAlex EmmertBonusesTotal
0110 771010030
0210 102010050
0310 11310101090
0410 871000110
10 1360010205-5 123105
20610 12610100135
20710 1431000155
20810 1280010175
20910 870100195
201110 12301010225
201210 13810100255
10 1330003013255
301410 871000275
10 12401005015275
501610 1400010295
501710 1321000315
10 1040006018-5 104310
0 13160190 131310
10 970007020310
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text