2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 8: Liberty C vs. North Carolina D

Liberty C


Evan Hunter01010
Abby Keith0000
Nathan Redford03030
Miller Doerr02020
6 bonuses for 50 points (8.33 PPB)

North Carolina D


Vedang Singhal0355
Jeffery Austin05145
Alice Zhong01010
9 bonuses for 70 points (7.78 PPB)

Evan HunterAbby KeithNathan RedfordMiller DoerrBonusesTotalTUVedang SinghalJeffery AustinAlice ZhongBonusesTotal
0110 116010020
10 131000102-5 13015
10 13601010403-5 8710
0 104404-5 875
40510 132100025
40610 130001045
10 143010060745
60810 10400055
60910 11100065
0 136601065
0 1236011-5 12260
10 1400100801260
10 133001010013-5 13055
0 1171001410 117010075
10 12400011015-5 9570
0 1401101670
1101710 125100090
1101810 920100110
0 131110190 131110
1102010 910100130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text