2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 8: North Carolina C vs. Virginia A

North Carolina C


Diego Almaraz02020
Crow He02020
Michael Eng02020
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Virginia A


Kenny Zhang0000
Joseph Chambers09185
Gio Mazzeo01010
Minh Nguyen03030
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Diego AlmarazCrow HeMichael EngBonusesTotalTUKenny ZhangJoseph ChambersGio MazzeoMinh NguyenBonusesTotal
0110 921010030
0210 51010050
0310 490101080
10 30100020480
10 120001040580
10 1300100606-5 7975
10 79101010100775
100810 97101010115
10 7801001209115
1201010 12510010145
10 108010014012145
1401310 5610100175
1401410 5910100205
1401510 1170100225
1401610 1380010245
1401710 7210100275
1401810 80101010315
1401910 940100335
1402010 9410100365
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text