2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 6: George Washington B vs. North Carolina A

George Washington B


Aiden Wegener001-5
Andrew Storm0000
Annie Goodman0000
Sam Kassover0000
0 bonuses for 0 points (NaN PPB)

North Carolina A


Jim Fan06155
Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford09090
Eric Gunter04040
19 bonuses for 330 points (17.37 PPB)

Aiden WegenerAndrew StormAnnie GoodmanSam KassoverBonusesTotalTUJim FanBenjamin McAvoy-BickfordEric GunterBonusesTotal
0110 491010030
0210 23001050
0310 810101080
0410 8710100110
0510 51101010150
0610 1230010170
07-5 85165
0810 530100185
0910 8401010215
-5 124-51010 14210010245
-51110 581000265
-51210 1050100285
-51310 1080010305
-51410 13510010335
-51510 1150010355
-51610 61101010395
-51710 11510100425
-51810 80101010465
-51910 920100485
-52010 8110010515
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text