2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 5: Liberty C vs. Maryland C

Maryland C


Patrick Torre09090
Daniel Kim02020
Kevin Liu0000
11 bonuses for 100 points (9.09 PPB)

Liberty C


Abby Keith0000
Nathan Redford03125
Miller Doerr0000
Evan Hunter02020
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Patrick TorreDaniel KimKevin LiuBonusesTotalTUAbby KeithNathan RedfordMiller DoerrEvan HunterBonusesTotal
0110 7900010
0210 1350101040
0310 104100060
10 122001020460
2050 13560
10 510101050660
10 105100070760
10 12600080860
80910 119001080
10 7700101001080
0 134100110 13480
10 7300101201280
1201310 10100090
10 1390001301490
0 129130150 12990
10 14010001501690
10 125010017017-5 10685
0 115170180 11585
10 1330010190190 13385
10 12101002102085
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text