
Despite having a royal flush, the speaker of one poem surprisingly loses a game of poker to this figure who “holds five aces.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Identify this figure who resides on an island in a poetry collection by Anne Sexton titled for “The Awful Rowing Toward” this figure. The speaker of the poem “Ariel” refers to Ariel as this figure’s “lioness.”
ANSWER: God [reject “Jesus”]
[10e] “Ariel” is the title poem of a collection by this author and friend of Sexton who compared her father to “Not God but a swastika” in the poem “Daddy.”
ANSWER: Sylvia Plath
[10h] This author of the mountain climbing book Feeding the Rat wrote about the days leading up to Sylvia Plath’s death in the book The Savage God.
ANSWER: Al Alvarez [or Alfred Alvarez; or A. Alvarez]
<American Literature>

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