2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 3: Liberty B vs. Maryland B

Maryland B


Munir Siddiqui05050
Jacob Martin05145
Emily Bussa03030
Alex Emmert002-10
13 bonuses for 140 points (10.77 PPB)

Liberty B


Emma Zajonc01010
Joshua Schmidt02020
Caleb Hines0000
Derek Works01010
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Munir SiddiquiJacob MartinEmily BussaAlex EmmertBonusesTotalTUEmma ZajoncJoshua SchmidtCaleb HinesDerek WorksBonusesTotal
10 117101003010
30210 51010020
10 66010050320
10 1101010080420
10 1320100100520
10 1230100120620
10 1320010140820
10 97000150920
10 129010101801120
-5 881751220
10 960001851320
10 1320001951420
10 80101002251520
10 10300102451620
-5 632401710 144010040
10 9401002601840
-5 972551910 144010060
2552010 124010080
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text