2024 ACF Regionals at MIT

Round 2: Harvard A vs. Tufts B

Harvard A


Justin Duffy2210
Joy An8080
Jeffrey Fung3030
Jake Greer115
14 bonuses for 250 points (17.86 PPB)

Tufts B


Phoebe Yao1010
Peter Scully3030
Julia Appel000
Isaac Ojutomori000
Devon Kumar1010
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Justin DuffyJoy AnJeffrey FungJake GreerBonusesTotalTUPhoebe YaoPeter ScullyJulia AppelIsaac OjutomoriDevon KumarBonusesTotal
10 12410002010
0 1322020
10 54101005030
10 131100108040
10 10610101012050
10 113100014060
10 1001001017070
10 1250101020080
10 1331010023090
10 540100250100
2501110 571001030
10 89101002801230
10 10000103001330
10 126100103301430
-5 543251510 690101060
-5 743201610 12300070
10 134101003501770
-5 1273451810 13601010100
10 1090101037519100
3752010 910010120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text