2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 7: Kenyon B vs. Ohio State B

Kenyon B


Casey Watkins12035
Chloe Meyer-Gehrke02020
Margaret Eagan02020
Freya Beinart10015
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Ohio State B


Arthur Stadlin02020
Jacob Goodson015-15
Chase Holm01010
Matthew Lam03125
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Casey WatkinsChloe Meyer-GehrkeMargaret EaganFreya BeinartBonusesTotalTUArthur StadlinJacob GoodsonChase HolmMatthew LamBonusesTotal
0110 1510101030
10 74010020230
0 1462030 14630
0 116204-5 9325
10 132000305-5 5820
10 14200105060 14220
50710 10310101060
15 43001075860
10 1220010959-5 12255
0 1309510-5 9250
95110 13150
951210 12700060
951310 123010080
15 7100101201480
1201510 1360100100
10 107010014016100
10 1321010017017-5 10395
17018-5 10390
1701910 1330010110
1702010 10910100140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text