
A contributor to this poem joked that he had performed a “Caesarean Operation” on its author in the poem “Sage Homme.” This poem’s author scrapped a stanza about “white-armed Fresca” in favor of one that borrows from Spenser’s Prothalamion by asking a river to “run softly till I end my song.” (15[1])A draft of this poem shows the addition of the line, “Marie, hold on tight,” and reveals its Dickens-inspired working title, (*) He Do the Police in Different Voices. A poet who insisted on the importance of a “Phoenician, a fortnight dead” in this poem was credited in its dedication as “il miglior fabbro.” A description of a time period “breeding lilacs out of the dead land” opens “The Burial of the Dead,” (10[1]-5[1])the first section of this Ezra Pound-edited poem. For 10 points, name this long Modernist poem (10[1])by T. S. Eliot. ■END■

ANSWER: The Waste Land
<HG, British Literature>
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