2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 3: Kenyon A vs. Ohio State B

Ohio State B


Arthur Stadlin01010
Jacob Goodson03315
Chase Holm001-5
Matthew Lam02115
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Kenyon A


Aidan Jordan05050
Iris Pardue02115
Noah Dean0115
Owen Brown11025
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

Arthur StadlinJacob GoodsonChase HolmMatthew LamBonusesTotalTUAidan JordanIris PardueNoah DeanOwen BrownBonusesTotal
10 1391010104010
40210 113010020
40310 135001040
40415 451010075
-5 793550 13275
10 128010055675
55710 74001095
10 125010075895
-5 11670910 13101010125
701010 1231000145
701110 131000155
0 13570120 135155
10 1080101010013155
0 131100140 131155
10 14500011015-5 88150
-5 128105160 134150
1051710 981000170
-5 1191001810 1371000190
-5 77951910 1360100210
10 14200010520-5 86205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text