2023 ARCADIA at Texas

Round 8: Texas B vs. Texas C

Texas C


Kion You04230
Gia Harvey-Slager11025
Vince Ingersoll02020
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Texas B


Parker Knudson0115
Owen Gilroy04135
Viraj Negandhi02020
Kevin Liu02020
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

Kion YouGia Harvey-SlagerVince IngersollBonusesTotalTUParker KnudsonOwen GilroyViraj NegandhiKevin LiuBonusesTotal
-5 75-5110 1010101030
-5210 120001050
0 128-530 12850
10 991001025450
10 133010045550
15 7100060650
60710 1271001080
10 114001080880
10 138101001109-5 6375
1101010 118010095
1101110 10410100125
10 136001013012-5 102120
0 137130130 137120
-5 15012514120
10 1401010015515120
1551610 14510010150
1551710 1290010170
1551810 11510010200
1551910 1450100220
10 14800016520220
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text