
One playwright from this country followed seven different points of view in the 1984 play Black Dog, which starred another playwright from this country who wrote Have You Seen Zandile? An old man invited to a campfire in one play from this country is refused wine by one character but told stories by another until he mysteriously dies. That play from this country describes the wandering after the home of (*) Boesman and Lena was bulldozed. In another play from this (10[1])country, a character’s job as a watchkeeper in a park leaves him with sore feet that his companion prepares hot water baths to soothe. That play from this country describes the title bond between Morris and Zachariah who live in a shack in the “colored” section of town. (10[1])For 10 points, name this country for which Barney Simon and other playwrights wrote plays criticizing policies like apartheid. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: South Africa [or Republic of South Africa or RSA] (The unnamed playwrights are, in order, Gcina Mhlophe, Nadine Gordimer, and Athol Fugard.)
<JF, World and Other Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jisoo YooTexas ATAMU7910
Owen GilroyTexas BTexas C12710
Pablo LloydHCCtag magnet: taylor's version14710


2023 ARCADIA at DukeEmory, Duke, YaleY4100%0%0%111.75
2023 ARCADIA at MarylandMaryland, OnlineY2100%0%0%97.50
2023 ARCADIA OnlineMaryland, OnlineY3100%0%0%126.67
2023 ARCADIA at Ohio StateOhio State, TexasY3100%0%33%122.00
2023 ARCADIA at TexasOhio State, TexasY3100%0%0%117.67