2023 ARCADIA at Texas

Round 8: Texas A&M A vs. Texas A

Texas A


Chinmay Murthy03030
Athena Shadden0115
Ryan Humphrey02115
Jisoo Yoo15065
12 bonuses for 180 points (15 PPB)

Texas A&M A


Dimitris Kalafatis03125
Dwight Solano02020
Robbie Hahn0120
Daniel Neylon01010
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Chinmay MurthyAthena ShaddenRyan HumphreyJisoo YooBonusesTotalTUDimitris KalafatisDwight SolanoRobbie HahnDaniel NeylonBonusesTotal
0110 78001020
10 7010101040220
10 85001060320
15 68010085420
10 990010105520
10 8210010135620
10 790010155720
155810 861010050
-5 37150910 114010070
1501010 10910100100
10 1081001018011-5 5795
10 136101002101295
-5 127205130 13795
10 151001022514-5 9790
10 8700102451590
10 104100102751690
2751710 10201010120
2751810 9110010150
10 86010029519-5 77145
2952010 900010165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text