2023 ARCADIA at Texas

Round 3: HCC vs. TAG Magnet: Taylor's Version



Pablo Lloyd05145
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

TAG Magnet: Taylor's Version


Andrew Volney0115
Jaik Havlick23345
Ketan Pamurthy06060
12 bonuses for 140 points (11.67 PPB)

Pablo LloydBonusesTotalTUAndrew VolneyJaik HavlickKetan PamurthyBonusesTotal
0 13901-5 70-5
0210 1091001025
10 9500010325
10415 68001050
0 1321050 13250
10610 99010070
10 750101040770
40810 110001090
40915 460100115
10 12000106010115
601110 871000135
601210 1300010155
10 141010109013-5 54150
10 13100010014-5 128145
1001510 85000155
1001610 1071000175
1001710 11301010205
-5 119951810 1371000225
951910 10801010255
0 1429520-5 86250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text