2023 Penn Bowl at Penn

Round 8: Johns Hopkins A vs. Pitt A

Pitt A


Sam Wang001-5
Danny Peelen17085
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Johns Hopkins A


Jarett Ren0000
David Bass13140
Max Niebur01010
Sinecio Morales04230
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)

Sam WangDanny PeelenBonusesTotalTUJarett RenDavid BassMax NieburSinecio MoralesBonusesTotal
0 142010 1420
0210 119001020
0 13503-5 9715
10 117100020415
20510 75010035
-5 10615610 11610101075
15710 12501010105
15810 660100125
15915 2301010160
10 101010104510160
10 1060005511160
10 102101008512160
851310 9810010190
851410 8801010220
0 1378515-5 86215
10 1200009516215
15 79001012017215
10 13800013018-5 62210
1301910 1111000230
10 1180101016020230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text