2023 Penn Bowl at Penn

Round 5: Columbia B vs. Johns Hopkins B

Columbia B


Jason Qin11120
Geoffrey Wu03030
William Groger04040
Jack Rado04135
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Johns Hopkins B


Aneesh Swaminathan11120
Ethan Abelev01010
Derrick Liu0115
Jeevika Setzer01010
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Jason QinGeoffrey WuWilliam GrogerJack RadoBonusesTotalTUAneesh SwaminathanEthan AbelevDerrick LiuJeevika SetzerBonusesTotal
0110 1041001030
0210 7500040
-5 117-5310 144010060
10 116001015460
10 1261010045560
10 12110101085660
10 920100105760
10 1011010101458-5 7555
-5 78140910 125010075
10 85101001701075
10 10210001901175
10 9300102101275
10 13201002301375
0 1222301475
10 129101002601575
0 13726016-5 7770
2601715 2200085
10 100101002901885
10 75010103201985
15 581010103652085
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text