2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 8: Brown A vs. MIT A

Brown A


Mason Yu01010
Jason Hong08175
9 bonuses for 170 points (18.89 PPB)



Nathan Sheffield21135
Katherine Lei01010
Caleb Zhao0120
Peter Berggren03220
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Mason YuJason HongBonusesTotalTUNathan SheffieldKatherine LeiCaleb ZhaoPeter BerggrenBonusesTotal
0 142010 1420
10 114010103020
10 9710005030
10 135101010904-5 93-5
10 13401001105-5 67-10
110610 97001010
-5 8110570 12910
105810 65100030
105915 45001055
10 710001151055
10 1401010014511-5 6750
1451210 1051010080
0 131145130 13180
1451410 1321000100
10 13710101018515-5 11695
10 13210101022516-5 10390
10 91010102551790
2551810 1011000110
2551910 12010010140
2552015 8201010175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text