2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 4: Brandeis A vs. Brown A

Brown A


Mason Yu0115
Jason Hong08365
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Brandeis A


Tanner Eustace01010
Nathaniel Martin0000
Eli Issokson32065
Christopher Dech0115
7 bonuses for 60 points (8.57 PPB)

Mason YuJason HongBonusesTotalTUTanner EustaceNathaniel MartinEli IssoksonChristopher DechBonusesTotal
0115 46001025
10 1111001030225
-5 8825325
-5 10020410 133010045
10 880101050545
-5 7445710 11400055
10 1201010075855
75915 62100080
10 14110101011511-5 12575
1151215 691000100
-5 1171101310 1360100120
10 1121001014014120
10 1060101017015120
10 110100019016120
1901710 680010140
10 129010021018140
10 94010023020140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text