2023 Penn Bowl at Florida State

Round 7: Florida B vs. North Florida A

North Florida A


Sean Farrell1112115
David Rodebaugh0000
12 bonuses for 160 points (13.33 PPB)

Florida B


Sophie Torres0000
Khanh Nguyen11215
Bill Zhao02020
Jonathan Hunter0000
4 bonuses for 70 points (17.5 PPB)

Sean FarrellDavid RodebaughBonusesTotalTUSophie TorresKhanh NguyenBill ZhaoJonathan HunterBonusesTotal
10 88100103020
30310 93010020
10 145001050420
10 73010070520
10 129010090620
907-5 11515
10 1510010110815
-5 90105915
15 15010101401015
10 129101001701115
10 11801001901215
1901315 490101050
10 880002001450
10 11601002201550
22016-5 9145
2201710 650101075
10 1251010102601875
-5 922551910 12301010105
10 147001027520105
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text