2023 Penn Bowl at Florida State

Round 4: Florida A vs. North Florida A

Florida A


Eve Maramba0000
Graham Cope23155
Biniam Alaro02115
Yuliang Huang0000
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

North Florida A


Sean Farrell0132120
David Rodebaugh0000
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Eve MarambaGraham CopeBiniam AlaroYuliang HuangBonusesTotalTUSean FarrellDavid RodebaughBonusesTotal
10 114100103010
30210 1111001030
-5 8025310 131010050
25410 96001070
25510 8001010100
25610 114101010140
10 580010457140
45810 8810010170
15 621000709170
701010 101101010210
701110 1031000230
15 750101010512230
1051310 13710100260
10 124001012514-5 74255
1251510 1110100275
-5 451201610 10101010305
10 71001014017305
1401810 9901010335
10 1031010017019-5 67330
1702010 8610010360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text